Matrix Transformation
The order is first rotation (zax) and then travel by-d, because moving the camera is as moving the world in the opposite direction.
Another method for generating the matrix transformation and rotation is to calculate the unit vectors UVN and form the rotation matrix composed directly. Given the vectors N and V, these unit vectors are computed as
n = N / NC C = (n1, n2, n3)
u = VXN / VXN ç ç = (u1, u2, u3) v = nxu
= ( v1, v2, v3)
This method also automatically adjusts the direction of V so that v is perpendicular to n.
The rotation matrix composite processing view is
that transforms u into the global axis xw, v and w on the axis of the shaft n zw. This matrix takes place automatically reflection necessary to transform a left side view of a global system right.
The complete transformation of world coordinates to view coordinates is obtained as the matrix product
¬ WC = R · T-1
glViewport (0, 0, width, height);
This function defines portion of the window where you can draw ogl. The parameters are y, upper-left corner of the "box" where you can draw (with reference
the window), and width and height. In this case picks up the width and height, which are the parameters of reshape (), ie, the data just received
because the resizing of the window.
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