again the rabid
now requires us to change our plans to get publishers to make the latest news. As you recall in previous issues of THE SUN AND FLIES we published a column entitled "From the Austrians to Mourinho" which among other topics we talked about the Iberian, or what is it, the unification of Portugal and Spain, and we quoted a of his most ardent supporters, the great Portuguese writer Jose Saramago, who as you all know, died last week ( "Click HERE to go to the chronicle of the Habsburg MOURINHO" ).
Many of you may wonder what the reason for talking about the Nobel luso a publication devoted to bullfighting and civil war, but they must know that José Saramago was a staunch anti-bullfighting, and a great fighter for animal rights. This publication address modestly, with more enthusiasm than skill, collect opinions about the world of bullfighting, both for and against, until then we could get to sectarianism and we have the Democratic politicians. And as soon dedicate a chronic promised American Nobel Hemingway, a prominent supporter and big fan of the Fiesta (and drink, and women, cigars, and hunting and fishing ..., small bird) today show some of the opinions of the writer Portuguese where curiously quoted Hemingway, we've picked up from his book "Cuadernos de Lanzarote"
The exact moment when the bull lowers his head to receive the mortal sword. I left the place immediately, thanks to the miraculous power of the remote control. Then I remembered what I wrote, some years ago, on this holiday, three items must not have liked any English, and less to Navarre. I imagine that when they asked me the "Change 16" would be waiting for anything from a new genre of Hemingway, but the calculations went wrong them, they had to post was an honest confession of inability to understand the party. As demonstrated with this small stretch exhumed from old papers.
"You will enter the first bull, they sounded muffled the drums of the presidency, it's time. All look, eager, black big mouth bullpen. The bull enters the plaza. Sign in forever, I think . This wine would be happy, as if seeing an open door into the light, toward the sun, believed that it returned to freedom.
silly, naive, too ignorant, hopeless innocence, does not know will not live in this infernal ring applaud, yell, whistle for two hours without rest. The bull runs across the square, look at the lines without understanding what happens there, back to back, questioning the air, finally started in the direction of a package that you wave a cape in two seconds is on the other hand, was a ilucion, believed to ram into something solid, he deserved his strength, and it was only a cloud. Really, what the world sees the bull? These bullfighters dress in all colors, which are covered with braids and sequins that sparkle in the sand like precious crystals, such as stained glass figures, are well in the eyes of the bull, sees it as opaque shadows, elusive , unstable, emerging from nowhere and hide into nothing? I guess the bull living in a dream world, ghost, covered with ashes, in which the taste of grass and the smell of the grass are the only references appeasing a vague world where the trees are swaying curtains, and clouds in the sky, large blocks of marble, while the light is moving hard into the night. "And this, too:" The bull will die. He is expected to have sufficient strength, weakness, softness, to deserve the noble title. That ram loyally obey the killer game, to give up the brutality, which comes out of life as pure as he entered it, as pure as he lived, chaste in spirit as it is body, it will die a virgin. I will be afraid by the torero when exposed without defense against the weapons of the beast. Only later did it that the bull from a certain time, even continuing to live, no longer exists, came in a dream that is yours alone, between life and death "
There is . I remember when Pilar had read the articles just told me, "You can not understand ...". He was right: I do not understand, I can not.
One of the good things about the dying one, is that everyone suddenly going to speak well of late, good, or almost everyone. It is normal to be viewed as criticism become old because compression unexplained phrases, if not of admiration. There is a catalog now legendary phrases like: "He had his things, but it was a good person" or "disagreed on many things, although I recognize that a person you integrate ideas and great human qualities" and many other similar. And if we jump and acquaintances or friends, that during the life of the deceased had a lukewarm opinion or indifference about it, and the thing is overflowing, "no doubt was one of the finest people I have known" or relief "is seen that God always takes the best" among other gems, and the higher human or social status of the deceased, are more bombastic phrases. Generally I have noticed that the loved ones and friends of truth, are often less likely to extol the virtues of the deceased. Life does not cease to be a paradox, do not know what is more sad, if the die, or the fact that for once one speaks well in public, and it will not you hear, have noses!.
The dance hall is not, is born. Here is a future candidate for bailongo in hard training.
But while most people who did not have a good relationship or disagreed openly, at this time usually choose to remain in respectful silence, there must always be somebody who's bucking the trend, as in every wedding that price can not miss "guy dance hall, the endearing character as ours, as Iberia. The human prototype, it usually and a mature person, in years, but handled a wide range of ages. Tireless pasodobles perpetrator and other rhythms, often act under the extra motivation and chisposa the effects of wines and spirits served at the meal prior. How imperial eagle that from his vantage IAEA prey, I would say the admired Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente, the "dance hall" located in the center ring staff searches to find his victims, and like the Iberian lynx diet based mainly on the rabbit, the "dance hall" is well cataloged their favorite prey: the friends of the bride. Which, outside the hazard, usually form a separate circle of both families, which greatly facilitates the search for this predator, that once located the shoal is directed towards, deliberate pace, and staring, evaluating possible routes of escape and selecting in advance which will be his first victim, usually the best view, although in some cases, depending on the mating of the predator, opt for the more voluptuous or more daring apparel. The first attack, supported by the surprise factor, is lethal and percussion effects, and once the "dance hall" has taken hold, it is very difficult to free himself from it without having accomplished at least a couple of songs. Our protagonist more restless and hungry for fresh blood, continues to capture his victims one after another, but as the day progresses potential catches are more careful to avoid quibbles with different gears and this terrible predator, which led to sometimes crowds authentic in the toilets of ladies, who sometimes become deadly trap at full capacity, and have to remain waiting outside, when they ruthlessly exploits the "dance hall" to capture its victim unable to defend themselves and no chance of escape. After a series of repeated captures, and motivated both by the depletion, and the difficulty of finding scapegoats, they have come to learn them all, it is easy to see this predator in the center of the track Cubata in hand, as if was in a trance, dancing solo throw all that even I would say that would be able to dance music news. Another immeasurable time starring this beloved character is when it comes to the dance group, such as "the birds" or the essential "Paquito el Chocolate" theme with More than one of these specimens has even led to a herniated disc caused by their vehemence in the gesture and the awkwardness of foreshortening. Highlight
also a fact that often goes unnoticed by most who see him act: the dance hall has a partner. Usually it is a modest and shy woman who tries to pass unnoticed and foremost is to prevent people from establishing a link between her and this terrible predator. Therefore, their movements are stealthy attempt to avoid, and it is normal that takes advantage of the movements of the waiters, using them as a screen between her and the view of the "dance hall." Although it is not unusual that after the event, when guests decide where to continue the party, this woman has suffered to be discovered. It is at that moment, when the "dance hall" triumphant, which often appear adorned with the tie tied around his head when Rambo, delivers another of his now famous phrase: "The youth in my car, I have room," to the resigned wife responds with phrases like "do not worry for me, I'm going to Encarna and Joaquin long time no see you", when it betrays its condition.
Returning to the present time, we commented before going to the dance floor, it is normal to speak well of the dead but always has to be someone the discordant note, and in the case of Saramago has been the Vatican, which has released at ease with the writer after his death. Here is a paragraph of what is published in "L'Osservatore Romano", is priceless: "A populist extremist like him, who took charge of the reasons for the ills of the world, should have first of all implement the problem to all human wrong, from the historical to the socio-economic policies, instead of jumping the metaphysical and blame hated so much comfortable and devoid of any other consideration, to a God who never believed because of his omnipotence , in his omniscience, his omnipresence " . There you have it, what it calls our attention from someone whose core values \u200b\u200bneighborly love and forgiveness, but mostly thinking and are convinced of the existence of the Kingdom of Heaven, it is logical to have expected time. Imagine good friends Saramago readers reaching to heaven, and there dressed in white (as it should be) awaits San Pedro (which, remember Gethsemane near an ear for a memorable afternoon) with the bunch of keys in his hand
-Hombreeee ...., José Saramago, with the desire we had to greet you, sit here please. But let's see How do you write these things happen?, If not we will never learn .... That patience Lord, be patient.
At this stage of the review I am sure you will be asking this question: But is he really not think about either the bulls or the civil war?. A I have to respond do not worry, we are now going with it.
Returning to the subject before us today, noting that if there are two human activities related to death a doubt is the war and the other bulls, ie the Fiesta. If fellow readers, death, the phenomenon that all men equal regardless of status, sex, race or religion, is a constant in the world of bullfighting and war, which could not be without it, although many like Saramago did not understand neither the bulls nor the war.

Aerial photo of La Almudena Cemetery recently opened.
If there is a place where death is present, that place is the cemetery, and many of them are present in both the bullfighting world as war. In Madrid we have one of the largest cemeteries, and because they say, most beautiful in Europe, the Cementerio de la Almudena. Cemeteries hidden corners of undeniable beauty as well as elements of recognized artistic value and in this necropolis Madrid both abound, there is only take a short tour of some areas (I recommend the oldest) to check, but the fact remains that this calm, this peace and quiet come to cause some concern to some people , among which I include myself. Almudena Cemetery, was begun in the late nineteenth century, although in reality it is a set of smaller cemeteries, such as epidemics, built to bury the large number of deaths during epidemics of cholera, smallpox and influenza at the time, and the former Eastern Necropolis Cemetery and Civil among others. The present is a project by architects Fernando Arbós and Jose Urioste. Among its walls you can find works of renowned architects and artists such as sculptor Emiliano Barral Segovia died in the fighting in the Battle of Madrid.
Last Sunday, with the idea in mind to write this review, I escape to an oversight in the wording to La Almudena to get some snapshots that give graphic testimony of what we tell them. Starting my journey photographing the tomb of Madrid bullfighter José Cubero "Yiyo" deceased was 21 years in the arena of Colmenar Viejo after being caught by the bull "Burlero." On his grave we can see a sculpture in which we see the bullfighter costume, while your hand out a dove (double click on the picture to enlarge).
Yiyo's tomb in La Almudena. Look at the bottom a English flag.
If you are observers may consider the merits of the previous image in a English flag. This flag is part of a funerary monument in memory of those killed in the Blue Division who lost their lives on the Russian Front during World War II. Here are a few pictures of it.
Two images of the monument to the dead of Blue Division.
also in the same area, is another building where it buried the bodies of several components of the Condor Legion, which as you know were forces who fought the German Army to support the forces of Franco during the English civil war.

A current image of the monument where we see that hadesaparecido the bird was seen in the picture above.
A little further away, near the Puerta de O'Donnell, is also a place full of symbolism, which pays memory of the thirteen children were shot, along with many others, in August 1939. This place is also chosen as a symbol to remember the hundreds of people who were shot in the walls of the cemetery after the war ended. On Sunday coincided with a tribute, which were read the names of those who were executed here. Last summer was met 70 years since that unfortunate episode occurred the death of those young people, and that the anniversary was exploited by some to, as we say colloquially, lend a ember its sardine. Here is the link to a blog that picked up this tribute, which also includes videos of the activities of politicians who attended ( "Click HERE to go to the blog of the TRECE ROSAS" ).
An image of homage held last Sunday
There are numerous examples about with the world of bulls and of civil war in this and other cemeteries in Madrid, and perhaps keep talking about it in subsequent reviews, but I prefer not to commit again, but would not say goodbye without mention in this chronicle of a woman bullfighter, no doubt the largest that has occurred in Spain, whose remains also lie in this cemetery. I mean the Madrid Juanita Cruz, a woman who triumphed in Spain and in America in the years before the civil war, and that his career would be frustrated after banned from fighting in Spain after the civil war they are women, although it is also attributed republican sympathies. But if you want learn more about this remarkable woman and her life and work, I recommend a visit to the page of this exceptional master teacher who is Rafael Gonzalez Zubieta the "Zubi", which as you all remember that memorable rennet slaughter at the now legendary hand Moncloveño hand with the monumental bullring Blanquerna during the last fair of San Isidro ( "Click HERE to go to the chronicle of THE BIG EVENT" ). The Zubi has spent considerable time studying the history of this remarkable woman, and have good examples of this in his blog Long Cordobesa, or if you prefer in the masterly article he wrote for the latest issue of Front magazine Madrid ( " CLICK HERE to go to the chronicle of ZUBIA on JUANITA CRUZ ").
Juanita Cruz on the cover of a magazine in the early 30.
As I said, I did not say goodbye (this time and indeed, peaceful) without showing the grave of this woman, where you can see a bronze sculpture of her and where we can also read the following inscription:
"DESPITE THE DAMAGE THAT I HAD IN MY COUNTRY, THE RESPONSIBLE the mediocrity of bullfighting in the Years 1940-1950 ...
A good ending to this story.
Florentino Sanders.
Juanita Cruz's grave in the cemetery of La Almudena.
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