The anti-pros are 99.9% of the surfer in the world. Are those that produce the physical act of surfing every day. The anti-pros are, for speaking in Marxist terms, the productive forces of the surf .... The typical anti-pro is an experienced surfer and live completely "stoked" (defined as the state when it reaches the surfer is very "caught" by surfing, is a mental state).
is a working-class surfer, the salt of the earth. Represents the day to day, hard, getting up at dawn of a surfer, in his social status is to a proletarian. Do not provide free boards, wetsuits or boat trips. In fact do not get anything free, especially free waves. He works for everything. Is a carpenter a sales manager, a cook, an engineer. The works, struggles, saves ... and then goes surfari. The anti-pro surfer represents the version of the sickle and hammer: a shor and lycra. He creates the financial basis of the surfing world.
In his local spot, the anti-pro is quite respected. Is more concerned with football league than the ASP. The anti-pro is a washcloth in a suit, reading this while sitting in a small cubicle job. Hoping that your boss is not watching their backs.
The antipro, love the waves at risk of seeming ridiculous, it unveils Swell waiting to enjoy the first waves of dawn ...
The antipro is essentially a radical of the sea ... is a strange creature riding waves as weak verses on a table.
Based on CostaSurf publication.
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