CAI. (Cadiz to outsiders)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Is It Illegal To Wear Hot Pink Pants After Midday
CAI. (Cadiz to outsiders)
90 years each on May 16 in the Plaza de Toros de Madrid is repeated the same ritual, bullfighters perform paseíllo desmonterados and after this, keep a respectful minute of silence, As the audience stood up in their localities. This singular behavior is due to the same date the year of 1920 died José Gómez Ortega, known as Joselito el Gallo, after being gored in the belly of the bull dancers in the plaza of Talavera de la Reina. For many this torero has been the greatest of all time.
Joselito "El Gallo" (D) and Belmonte, two teachers who star in what is known as the Golden Age of Bullfighting.
born in 1895 Joselito Seville Gelves village in the heart of a gypsy family long bullfighting tradition, son, grandson and brother bullfighters. Despite his premature death, Joselito mark a before and after in the world of bullfighting, still considered one of the fathers of modern bullfighting. Belmonte starred alongside what has been known as the Golden Age of bullfighting in the 1910's. His tragic death was a tremendous social upheaval in Spain, so that even the Virgen de la Macarena dressed in mourning for the first and, until today, only time. José Gómez Ortega died young but fully, making good the saying "the bull and the bullfighter five twenty-five."
Ignacio Sánchez Mejías, brother of Joselito and bullfighter as he contemplates the corpse of the young right-handed. Sánchez Mejías suffer the same fate years later (1934), after suffering a fuck in the Plaza de Manzanares. As
see dear readers, we are talking about one of the greatest figures, if not the largest, which has given the world of bullfighting, so any opinions expressed by this genius undoubtedly sitting chair. Of these, perhaps the best known was the one pronounced in San Sebastian during a gathering after a run on the Great Week 1916. It is said that the right-handed dialogues with other fellow members about which was the best place to watch a bullfighting festival, a favored Madrid, Sevilla others, and one in Bilbao or San Sebastian's own. And that was when Joselito gave one of his most famous phrases: "Who has not seen BULLS IN THE PORT DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS A DAY OF BULLS. Knowing this maxim, any writer worth his salt taurine, although bullfighting, can not be considered as such without having visited the port. In Compostela Holy Year pilgrimage started another but in the opposite direction to the south, to another shrine visited by the gods during the last three centuries, to the unique Plaza Real in El Puerto de Santa Maria, to see bulls in El Puerto.
One wall of the Great Gate of the Royal Plaza in the Port where you can see a tile mural with Joselito's famous phrase. Only
look around the square before the race is already a show, and enter the hall is almost a mystical experience. The run was secondary, the important thing was to complete the rite of the pilgrimage, although in this case the run was posh, as I'm clearly found nothing more to look out of the box office. Toreaban Morante de la Puebla, José Mari Manzanares and Daniel Luque, with bulls from the herd Cadiz Nunez del Cubillo, which graze in the meadows of the nearby town of Vejer de la Frontera. At the end of the celebration had the great fortune of stepping in the ring of this temple and to leave the cathedral for the same place where they have done so many gods with a shout of bullfighting, the Puerta Grande.
But not only Cádiz El Puerto de Santa María, in every corner of this province can find references to bullfighting, the entire province is a land of bulls and bullfighters centuries. It is said that every breed of fighting bulls have their origin in which they raised the Carthusian monks of Jerez for hundreds of years, and are large numbers of farms that raise their bulls in this land, starting most of the extended family Domecq: Marques de Domecq, Alvaro Domecq (Torrestrella), Salvador Domecq, etc. As well as other no less well known as Barley Gago, Source Ymbro, Jandilla Sayalero and Bandres, Nunez del Cubillo, and many others who do not have space to play here. Herds graze in areas that resonate with bull and history, as Medina Sidonia, Sanlucar, Vejer de la Frontera, Chiclana, Tarifa, or Benalup Casas Viejas, Alcala de los Gazules, Jerez de la Frontera, Algeciras, Los Barrios and so on . Earth and the same home to some of the most famous bullfighters of all time starting the legendary Francisco Montes Reina Paquiro, Chiclana of SXIX bullfighter, bullfighter romantic prototype ax pin, which is attributed, among other sets, the invention of the veronica. In the same way it was who defined the characteristics of current bullfighting outfit, so much so that the garment bullfighter par excellence cap, is named after the name of this unique torero born in Chiclana de la Frontera, where today we can visit a charming museum dedicated to his figure, which also took the opportunity to make this special pilgrimage. From "Paquiro" list of skilled Cadiz is endless, as the equally legendary "Face-wide", Rafael Ortega, Paco Ojeda, Francisco Ruiz Miguel, or the media "Paquirri" and Jesulín Ubrique, among many others, not forgetting the legendary gypsy maestro Rafael Jerez de Paula, a right-hander who has starred in some of the most intense and most beauty reminiscent of the good fans.
Monument in Chiclana de la Frontera dedicated to local matador Francisco Montes Reina Paquiro ", an innovator in the art of bullfighting.
If we do heed the words of Don José Ortega y Gasset who maintain that "the history of bullfighting is linked to Spain, while not knowing the first, it will be impossible to understand the second" , we can say with categorically that the history of Spain starts in Cadiz. Indeed dear readers, if the prehistory ranging from the appearance of man until the advent of writing, the first historical references, that is the earliest written references, we have of what is now Spain is located in what is now the province of Cadiz.
The first written evidence over the Peninsula, are those concerning the labors of Hercules (we refer to the mythical Greek hero, not the team that endorsement Alicante two peas to Barca in the Nou Camp on Saturday), which would move to these ends of the known world to steal Geryon Red Bulls, as you can see again and bull story together. As you all know, Hercules in a fit of madness killed his own children, after recovering the trial and realize his terrible action he fled to Badlands where he would return in time to visit the oracle at Delphi, which, as penance for his crime imposed be ten papers (that end up being twelve) which would be entrusted King Eurystheus, who had usurped the throne thanks to the shenanigans Zeus's wife Hera. Hercules as you will have imagined hated Eurystheus, but this also did not have any love for what you can imagine that the tasks entrusted to the brawny hero had very bad temper. Among these works, the tenth specifically, Hercules had to steal the herd of Geryon Red Bulls a being, according to Greek mythology, monstrous giant with three bodies, each with their limbs and heads, who lived on the island of Erytheia or "Red" (so we can be talking about the island of Cadiz or San Fernando). After stealing the cattle, Geryon Hercules and fought in single combat, dying this to be pierced by an arrow shot by the Greek, who was poisoned with the blood of the Hydra.
Greek amphora in which Geryon appears Cadiz, with three bodies, which would kill Hercules. Going with his dog Orthrus, with two heads, the brother of a famous canine mythical Cerberus or Cerberus, the three-headed dog with a snake the tail, guardian of Hades, I'd end up company's own dog Hercules. Building
the trip, which incidentally made the cup mounted on Helios the God with which he crossed the sea every night, Hercules seized because it was here, to put in this place known columns that bear his name and that are located on both sides of the strait, one would be the Rock itself and the other in Ceuta Hacho Mt. Columns indicate the end of the known world, or what is the same as the non plus ultra "of the Romans, meaning that there was nothing beyond that point. As a curiosity indicate that after the discovery of America Columns would be integrated into the arms of Spain, but this time with the motto "Plus Ultra", indicating that there was something on the other side and making it clear who had discovered. And as additional information for travelers to note that it is no longer possible to see the bulls of Geryon by grasslands of Cadiz, but if a good number of red cows retinta race, the meat can be sampled, along with that of wild cattle, in the sale "The Kid" in the town of Facinas, excellent quality at a set price, if any of you dropped by. However
other historical records show us Geryon as king of the mythical kingdom of Tartessos also be located in this area. This kingdom is already mentioned in the writings of Herodotus and Avieno, and some authors identify it with Plato's Atlantis, or the biblical Tarshish. This kingdom, and archaeologically documented, would be home to some of the legendary names of our history as Argantonio, Gárgoris or Habidis. For its part the city of Cadiz was founded by the Phoenicians as Gadir (strength) more than three thousand years and has the honor of being the oldest city in Spain and one of the oldest, if not more, in Europe. Hands later became a Greek, Carthaginian and Roman, maintaining its economic and strategic importance as a bridge between Europe and Africa, with each of these civilizations.
The now famous Hercules, with the equally famous columns by the hero placed, which on both sides of the Straits of Gibraltar indicated the end of the known world.
foresaw the year 711 AD and again Cadiz would become a landmark in the history of Spain. At that time, the peninsula was embroiled in a new civil war between the Goths commonplace where the succession was not hereditary (as you can see very well established tradition in Spain is the civil wars, which has remained immovable for centuries), first King Don Rodrigo of mating of the Chindasvinto and other Agile, son of former king Witiza, supported by his brothers and some of the Visigoth nobility, his uncle Oppas Archbishop of Seville and Don Julian, Earl of Ceuta. Not very clear why some attribute it to a mess of skirts, others a curse of caves with padlocks, and others to a simple lust for power, but someone asked for help to Arab governor of North Africa, the popular moro Muza , which would send an army commanded by Tariq (or tariffs) Ibn Zyad, which would name the city of Tarifa. The Visigoth army, commanded by Don Rodrigo and the Muslims would face in the Battle Guadalete, held somewhere in the province close to the river to a near Medina Sidonia and others at the lake, now dried, de La Janda, near Vejer de la Frontera. Wherever the Muslims win this battle, with fatal consequences we know to the Visigothic kingdom, and what would be a support for the opponents of Don Rodrigo became a full-scale invasion. If you can not trust any one now. Muslims occupy most of the mainland in a few years, with very little effort.
Enlightenment which we see a party of warriors Muslims in a period close in time to the Battle of La Janda or Guadalete, land held in Cadiz in 711 and that was the end of Visigothic power in the Peninsula. Cadiz
continue with its peak during the Muslim rule, favored by its unique geographic location between Africa and Europe and many artistic and architectural evidence remains from that era. Disputes between the Taifa kingdoms, another kind of civil war, would favor the arrival of the Almoravids, and in the thirteenth century, after the defeat of these in the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, much of the province would pass to Christians leaving elsewhere in the Muslim power, which is why many towns in Cádiz retain the name "Border" after his name, as witness that once formed the boundary between the two kingdoms. In the fifteenth century, yet another civil war, this time within the Moorish kingdom of Granada, would favor the fact that the province would be dominated by Christians.
Image of the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa (1212) in which the Christian armies to defeat the Muslim armies.
After the discovery of America, Cádiz passes again play a pivotal role in history Spain, becoming the main port for ships coming from India, resulting in a time of great splendor in the city. But soon the peace would last, yet another civil war would impact on the history of Cadiz in Spain. The year was 1704 and the English were again engaged in another civil conflict, Philip of Anjou by the Bourbons and the Habsburg Archduke Charles by facing for the throne of Spain, the French first supported him, while the second one was by the British, and caring friends, also by the Dutch (remember the chronicle of the Duke of Alba and the World). A combined fleet of these two last besieged and finally conquered nations Gibraltar (with landing included Catalan troops who fought alongside the British in what today is known as Catalan Bay) would remain in British hands until today the signing of the treaty of Utrecht. An episode that will have great impact later again in the history of Spain. Indeed
Sun readers and friends Flies in the late eighteenth century, the French Revolution triumphed, and years later Napoleon came to power, which would create a great empire in Europe. On the vicissitudes of politics and mutual interests, the French Republic and the Bourbon Kingdom of Spain allied against the common enemy, the British, facing a combined English-French fleet to the British army, choosing to fight the coast of Cadiz, specifically the waters off the Cape of Trafalgar. There are many interpretations of this great battle has been made that if the French commanders were inept, that if the crews were not adequate, if the approach was crazy, etc. But the fact is that the victory went to the British the command of Admiral Nelson, and it was significant the town and port of Gibraltar. This battle marked the beginning of British rule over the seas, and in some ways was the beginning of the end of the English Empire.
The Battle of Trafalgar took place off the coast of Cadiz, would be the beginning of the end of the English Empire and the start of British hegemony on the seas.
But to make matters worse, it appears that our French allies become our enemies and invade Spain (something similar to what happened to the Visigoths in Tarif) and the hated British now become our allies. Start a bitter war known as Independence, where again Cádiz again play a leading role indisputable, as it will in this city besieged by French forces (remember that from "the ...") throw bombs where they meet the English Parliament and approved the Constitution of Cadiz, the famous Pepa since it was approved on 19 March. Constitution that was based on the principles of the French Revolution and was very advanced for its time. End the war and Fernando VII who had promised to abide by the Constitution it would pass through the triumphal arch, with the consequent civil strife between the English, who already at the height of this story are so used. Spend the nineteenth century, between different civil wars and internal strife in Spain, which finally end up with the English Empire, which would further impoverish the nation, arriving at the gates of the XX century as a nation poor and backward. Something that certainly we should thank the nefarious rulers, with their kings at the helm, this country has ever had.
Two snapshots of the monument to the Constitution of 1812 in Cadiz, on the bottom we can see (click on any photo to enlarge) to an individual ligerita clothing, which is none other than himself Hercules, which also appears in this manner in the coat of Andalucia.
Again many of you are wondering, what are you waiting for this chronicler of trash to talk about civil war?. Well assured that we will also talk about it, because Cadiz was again a major role in the outcome of the English Civil War. As you all know the bulk of insurgent forces, composed mainly of indigenous and legionary troops were in the English Protectorate of Morocco, under the command of General Franco. Most of the Fleet, but with little operational due to lack of controls, had stood at the side of the Republic and controlled the passage of the Strait. To circumvent this obstacle would be mounted on the first airlift in history, whereby an important part of the Army of Africa would come to the peninsula and where he played an important role the help of both the German aviation and the Italian, in an episode that undoubtedly had a decisive role in the final outcome of the war. Cádiz again played a major role in the history of Spain, and again as in time of the Goths, an African army crossed the strait to support one side of a hundredth the civil war in Spain. But this story deserves its own space, and the forthcoming review will have them chapter and verse as it developed this operation took place at the province of Cadiz.
Exceptional color photograph taken in the outskirts of Madrid after the Second Civil War where we can observe German soldiers of the Legion with Moroccan Indian soldiers. Both forces would be decisive in the outcome of the war and were protagonists in the operation of crossing the Strait in August 36, the first military airlift in history, as discussed in a forthcoming review.
chronic modest hope this has helped you to learn a little more about the history of this beautiful corner of Spain, the province of Cadiz. Florentino
90 years each on May 16 in the Plaza de Toros de Madrid is repeated the same ritual, bullfighters perform paseíllo desmonterados and after this, keep a respectful minute of silence, As the audience stood up in their localities. This singular behavior is due to the same date the year of 1920 died José Gómez Ortega, known as Joselito el Gallo, after being gored in the belly of the bull dancers in the plaza of Talavera de la Reina. For many this torero has been the greatest of all time.

born in 1895 Joselito Seville Gelves village in the heart of a gypsy family long bullfighting tradition, son, grandson and brother bullfighters. Despite his premature death, Joselito mark a before and after in the world of bullfighting, still considered one of the fathers of modern bullfighting. Belmonte starred alongside what has been known as the Golden Age of bullfighting in the 1910's. His tragic death was a tremendous social upheaval in Spain, so that even the Virgen de la Macarena dressed in mourning for the first and, until today, only time. José Gómez Ortega died young but fully, making good the saying "the bull and the bullfighter five twenty-five."
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see dear readers, we are talking about one of the greatest figures, if not the largest, which has given the world of bullfighting, so any opinions expressed by this genius undoubtedly sitting chair. Of these, perhaps the best known was the one pronounced in San Sebastian during a gathering after a run on the Great Week 1916. It is said that the right-handed dialogues with other fellow members about which was the best place to watch a bullfighting festival, a favored Madrid, Sevilla others, and one in Bilbao or San Sebastian's own. And that was when Joselito gave one of his most famous phrases: "Who has not seen BULLS IN THE PORT DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS A DAY OF BULLS. Knowing this maxim, any writer worth his salt taurine, although bullfighting, can not be considered as such without having visited the port. In Compostela Holy Year pilgrimage started another but in the opposite direction to the south, to another shrine visited by the gods during the last three centuries, to the unique Plaza Real in El Puerto de Santa Maria, to see bulls in El Puerto.
look around the square before the race is already a show, and enter the hall is almost a mystical experience. The run was secondary, the important thing was to complete the rite of the pilgrimage, although in this case the run was posh, as I'm clearly found nothing more to look out of the box office. Toreaban Morante de la Puebla, José Mari Manzanares and Daniel Luque, with bulls from the herd Cadiz Nunez del Cubillo, which graze in the meadows of the nearby town of Vejer de la Frontera. At the end of the celebration had the great fortune of stepping in the ring of this temple and to leave the cathedral for the same place where they have done so many gods with a shout of bullfighting, the Puerta Grande.
But not only Cádiz El Puerto de Santa María, in every corner of this province can find references to bullfighting, the entire province is a land of bulls and bullfighters centuries. It is said that every breed of fighting bulls have their origin in which they raised the Carthusian monks of Jerez for hundreds of years, and are large numbers of farms that raise their bulls in this land, starting most of the extended family Domecq: Marques de Domecq, Alvaro Domecq (Torrestrella), Salvador Domecq, etc. As well as other no less well known as Barley Gago, Source Ymbro, Jandilla Sayalero and Bandres, Nunez del Cubillo, and many others who do not have space to play here. Herds graze in areas that resonate with bull and history, as Medina Sidonia, Sanlucar, Vejer de la Frontera, Chiclana, Tarifa, or Benalup Casas Viejas, Alcala de los Gazules, Jerez de la Frontera, Algeciras, Los Barrios and so on . Earth and the same home to some of the most famous bullfighters of all time starting the legendary Francisco Montes Reina Paquiro, Chiclana of SXIX bullfighter, bullfighter romantic prototype ax pin, which is attributed, among other sets, the invention of the veronica. In the same way it was who defined the characteristics of current bullfighting outfit, so much so that the garment bullfighter par excellence cap, is named after the name of this unique torero born in Chiclana de la Frontera, where today we can visit a charming museum dedicated to his figure, which also took the opportunity to make this special pilgrimage. From "Paquiro" list of skilled Cadiz is endless, as the equally legendary "Face-wide", Rafael Ortega, Paco Ojeda, Francisco Ruiz Miguel, or the media "Paquirri" and Jesulín Ubrique, among many others, not forgetting the legendary gypsy maestro Rafael Jerez de Paula, a right-hander who has starred in some of the most intense and most beauty reminiscent of the good fans.
If we do heed the words of Don José Ortega y Gasset who maintain that "the history of bullfighting is linked to Spain, while not knowing the first, it will be impossible to understand the second" , we can say with categorically that the history of Spain starts in Cadiz. Indeed dear readers, if the prehistory ranging from the appearance of man until the advent of writing, the first historical references, that is the earliest written references, we have of what is now Spain is located in what is now the province of Cadiz.
The first written evidence over the Peninsula, are those concerning the labors of Hercules (we refer to the mythical Greek hero, not the team that endorsement Alicante two peas to Barca in the Nou Camp on Saturday), which would move to these ends of the known world to steal Geryon Red Bulls, as you can see again and bull story together. As you all know, Hercules in a fit of madness killed his own children, after recovering the trial and realize his terrible action he fled to Badlands where he would return in time to visit the oracle at Delphi, which, as penance for his crime imposed be ten papers (that end up being twelve) which would be entrusted King Eurystheus, who had usurped the throne thanks to the shenanigans Zeus's wife Hera. Hercules as you will have imagined hated Eurystheus, but this also did not have any love for what you can imagine that the tasks entrusted to the brawny hero had very bad temper. Among these works, the tenth specifically, Hercules had to steal the herd of Geryon Red Bulls a being, according to Greek mythology, monstrous giant with three bodies, each with their limbs and heads, who lived on the island of Erytheia or "Red" (so we can be talking about the island of Cadiz or San Fernando). After stealing the cattle, Geryon Hercules and fought in single combat, dying this to be pierced by an arrow shot by the Greek, who was poisoned with the blood of the Hydra.

the trip, which incidentally made the cup mounted on Helios the God with which he crossed the sea every night, Hercules seized because it was here, to put in this place known columns that bear his name and that are located on both sides of the strait, one would be the Rock itself and the other in Ceuta Hacho Mt. Columns indicate the end of the known world, or what is the same as the non plus ultra "of the Romans, meaning that there was nothing beyond that point. As a curiosity indicate that after the discovery of America Columns would be integrated into the arms of Spain, but this time with the motto "Plus Ultra", indicating that there was something on the other side and making it clear who had discovered. And as additional information for travelers to note that it is no longer possible to see the bulls of Geryon by grasslands of Cadiz, but if a good number of red cows retinta race, the meat can be sampled, along with that of wild cattle, in the sale "The Kid" in the town of Facinas, excellent quality at a set price, if any of you dropped by. However
other historical records show us Geryon as king of the mythical kingdom of Tartessos also be located in this area. This kingdom is already mentioned in the writings of Herodotus and Avieno, and some authors identify it with Plato's Atlantis, or the biblical Tarshish. This kingdom, and archaeologically documented, would be home to some of the legendary names of our history as Argantonio, Gárgoris or Habidis. For its part the city of Cadiz was founded by the Phoenicians as Gadir (strength) more than three thousand years and has the honor of being the oldest city in Spain and one of the oldest, if not more, in Europe. Hands later became a Greek, Carthaginian and Roman, maintaining its economic and strategic importance as a bridge between Europe and Africa, with each of these civilizations.

foresaw the year 711 AD and again Cadiz would become a landmark in the history of Spain. At that time, the peninsula was embroiled in a new civil war between the Goths commonplace where the succession was not hereditary (as you can see very well established tradition in Spain is the civil wars, which has remained immovable for centuries), first King Don Rodrigo of mating of the Chindasvinto and other Agile, son of former king Witiza, supported by his brothers and some of the Visigoth nobility, his uncle Oppas Archbishop of Seville and Don Julian, Earl of Ceuta. Not very clear why some attribute it to a mess of skirts, others a curse of caves with padlocks, and others to a simple lust for power, but someone asked for help to Arab governor of North Africa, the popular moro Muza , which would send an army commanded by Tariq (or tariffs) Ibn Zyad, which would name the city of Tarifa. The Visigoth army, commanded by Don Rodrigo and the Muslims would face in the Battle Guadalete, held somewhere in the province close to the river to a near Medina Sidonia and others at the lake, now dried, de La Janda, near Vejer de la Frontera. Wherever the Muslims win this battle, with fatal consequences we know to the Visigothic kingdom, and what would be a support for the opponents of Don Rodrigo became a full-scale invasion. If you can not trust any one now. Muslims occupy most of the mainland in a few years, with very little effort.

continue with its peak during the Muslim rule, favored by its unique geographic location between Africa and Europe and many artistic and architectural evidence remains from that era. Disputes between the Taifa kingdoms, another kind of civil war, would favor the arrival of the Almoravids, and in the thirteenth century, after the defeat of these in the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, much of the province would pass to Christians leaving elsewhere in the Muslim power, which is why many towns in Cádiz retain the name "Border" after his name, as witness that once formed the boundary between the two kingdoms. In the fifteenth century, yet another civil war, this time within the Moorish kingdom of Granada, would favor the fact that the province would be dominated by Christians.

After the discovery of America, Cádiz passes again play a pivotal role in history Spain, becoming the main port for ships coming from India, resulting in a time of great splendor in the city. But soon the peace would last, yet another civil war would impact on the history of Cadiz in Spain. The year was 1704 and the English were again engaged in another civil conflict, Philip of Anjou by the Bourbons and the Habsburg Archduke Charles by facing for the throne of Spain, the French first supported him, while the second one was by the British, and caring friends, also by the Dutch (remember the chronicle of the Duke of Alba and the World). A combined fleet of these two last besieged and finally conquered nations Gibraltar (with landing included Catalan troops who fought alongside the British in what today is known as Catalan Bay) would remain in British hands until today the signing of the treaty of Utrecht. An episode that will have great impact later again in the history of Spain. Indeed
Sun readers and friends Flies in the late eighteenth century, the French Revolution triumphed, and years later Napoleon came to power, which would create a great empire in Europe. On the vicissitudes of politics and mutual interests, the French Republic and the Bourbon Kingdom of Spain allied against the common enemy, the British, facing a combined English-French fleet to the British army, choosing to fight the coast of Cadiz, specifically the waters off the Cape of Trafalgar. There are many interpretations of this great battle has been made that if the French commanders were inept, that if the crews were not adequate, if the approach was crazy, etc. But the fact is that the victory went to the British the command of Admiral Nelson, and it was significant the town and port of Gibraltar. This battle marked the beginning of British rule over the seas, and in some ways was the beginning of the end of the English Empire.

But to make matters worse, it appears that our French allies become our enemies and invade Spain (something similar to what happened to the Visigoths in Tarif) and the hated British now become our allies. Start a bitter war known as Independence, where again Cádiz again play a leading role indisputable, as it will in this city besieged by French forces (remember that from "the ...") throw bombs where they meet the English Parliament and approved the Constitution of Cadiz, the famous Pepa since it was approved on 19 March. Constitution that was based on the principles of the French Revolution and was very advanced for its time. End the war and Fernando VII who had promised to abide by the Constitution it would pass through the triumphal arch, with the consequent civil strife between the English, who already at the height of this story are so used. Spend the nineteenth century, between different civil wars and internal strife in Spain, which finally end up with the English Empire, which would further impoverish the nation, arriving at the gates of the XX century as a nation poor and backward. Something that certainly we should thank the nefarious rulers, with their kings at the helm, this country has ever had.
Again many of you are wondering, what are you waiting for this chronicler of trash to talk about civil war?. Well assured that we will also talk about it, because Cadiz was again a major role in the outcome of the English Civil War. As you all know the bulk of insurgent forces, composed mainly of indigenous and legionary troops were in the English Protectorate of Morocco, under the command of General Franco. Most of the Fleet, but with little operational due to lack of controls, had stood at the side of the Republic and controlled the passage of the Strait. To circumvent this obstacle would be mounted on the first airlift in history, whereby an important part of the Army of Africa would come to the peninsula and where he played an important role the help of both the German aviation and the Italian, in an episode that undoubtedly had a decisive role in the final outcome of the war. Cádiz again played a major role in the history of Spain, and again as in time of the Goths, an African army crossed the strait to support one side of a hundredth the civil war in Spain. But this story deserves its own space, and the forthcoming review will have them chapter and verse as it developed this operation took place at the province of Cadiz.

chronic modest hope this has helped you to learn a little more about the history of this beautiful corner of Spain, the province of Cadiz. Florentino
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