In practice, I talk about double buffering in GLUT is given by DoubleBuffer, indicating twice the storage space in this space used to store data and reduces flicker in the image, that when you draw a picture and clears the running time increases, this feature reduces the time that you have only 1 instead of buffer there are two.
function parameters are:
GLUT_DOUBLE: Prevents flickering, double buffer.
GLUT_RGBA: Sets the color red, green and blue.
GLUT_DEPTH: Evidence indicates depth, also called the z buffer.
As seen in practice has been used glFlush function (), this function is responsible for emptying the contents of Frame Buffer on the video screen.
double buffering to use a function similar to glFlush () called glutSwapBuffers (), which is responsible swap the buffers when using this feature, glFhush () is redundant and can be ignored.
functions are also speak as
glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BITGL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT), which is responsible for cleaning the screen where the pixels are.
glutPostRedisplay (); Creates an element according to redraw modifications, is forced to redraw event.
glutSpecialFunc (), which is used to define the F1-F12 keys, and other special.
These functions are explained in detail in API_GLUT shown in this blog
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