Monday, April 9, 2007

Gay Dogging In South Beach Miami

Previous 5 Part 1


glutCreateWindow int (char * name)
create the window, and the parameter is the name of it. name: string with the name of the window. Returns an integer that is the unique identifier of the window. This function creates a main window. When you create a window, active window becomes the new window. All window implies a context of OpenGL. This context is one that allows the window created with GLUT (or where appropriate, with any windowing environment) to come in contact with OpenGL. Windows created with this function are not displayed yet. The display will carry out a response function to redraw event window.

glutInit void (int * argc, char ** argv)
argc: argc parameter pointer to the main function of the program.
argv: argv parameter of main function. GlutInit
initializes the GLUT library, spend pudiƩndosele command line parameter through argc and argv. This routine must be called once at the beginning of the program. Any other function that can not be called before initialization. If we use some
initialization function (with the prefix glutInit-) before this function, we are setting the default state of the application to initialize.

glutInitWindowSize void (int width, int height)
width: window width in pixels
height: window height in pixels
This routine is used to indicate the initial size of the windows that are created.

glutInitWindowPosition void (int x, int y)
x: x position of the window in pixels
y: position and the window in pixels
With this function we set the initial position of the windows that you create. Initialize the position of the window on the desktop.

glutInitDisplayMode void (unsigned int mode)
Initializes the display mode.
mode: display mode. It is a composition by connectors "
some of the following values:
GLUT_RGBA: Select a RGBA mode window. This is the default if not listed or not GLUT_RGBA GLUT_INDEX are specified.
GLUT_INDEX: Select a window in color index mode. Is imposed on GLUT_RGBA.
GLUT_SINGLE: Select a single buffered window. This is the default.
GLUT_DOUBLE: Select a double buffered window. Is imposed on GLUT_SINGLE.
GLUT_ACCUM: Select a window with an accumulation buffer.
GLUT_ALPHA: Select a window with an alpha component color buffer.
GLUT_DEPTH: Select a window with a depth buffer.
GLUT_STENCIL: Select a window with a stencil buffer.
GLUT_MULTISAMPLE: Select a window with multisample support.
GLUT_STEREO: Select a stereo window.
GLUT_LUMINANCE: Select a window with a color pattern in shades of gray.
This function sets the initial display mode that will create the windows. The two values \u200b\u200bthat tend to occur in most applications are GLUT_RGBA, to set an RGB color model with alpha component and GLUT_DOUBLE to select a window with double buffering.

glutDisplayFunc (void (* func) (void));
The function func () is called each time you have to redraw the window.
GLUT does not provide a default response function for the redraw, so it is required to write a function of this type for each window created. If you create a window and not recorded the response function to redraw, it fails.

glutInitPosition (int x, int y);
Y position of top left corner of the new window, with respect to the desktop in which they work.

glutKeyboardFunc (void (* func) (unsigned char key, int x, int y));
func: callback function to the event.
is used to register the function that responds to keyboard events on the window. The response function parameters must have the key has been pressed (ASCII character) and position (x, y) of the mouse pointer at the time on the window. Not be detected directly modifier keys (CTRL, ALT, ...). We use for this function glutGetModifiers. If no input function keyboard events are ignored.

glutMainLoop ();
This routine must be called once in the program. Since it implements an infinite loop (actually the loop terminates when an application close event), the function never ends. It is therefore necessary to pre-register callback functions and also the call to this function is the last main.

glutMouseFunc (void (* func) (int button, int state, int x, int y));
Add to the active window function response to mouse events. Mouse events occur both when pressed and when a button is released mouse. The parameters of the response function must be the button (GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON, GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON or GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON), the state of the button (or GLUT_DOWN GLUT_UP) and position (x, y) of the pointer on the window.
When a menu attached to a button of the mouse, click the button event is ignored, prevailing over other menu features. As in the case of the keyboard, you can detect the use of switches with glutGetModifiers function. Failure to register a response function to mouse events, they are ignored.

glutReshapeFunc (void (* func) (int width, int high));
Add function response to the event of resizing the window. The response function should have as parameters the width and height of the window after resizing. GLUT provides in this case, a default response function, which is used when no input function for this event. Resizing the main window does not generate any events resizing of subwindows, so it's being done explicitly.

glutPostRedisplay ();
Calls redraw the current window.

glutSolidCone (Gldouble base, Gldouble height, Glint slices, Glint stacks);
Draw a solid cone with a radio base length, a height, number of divisions around the z axis (slices) and number of divisions along the z axis

glutWireCone (Gldouble base, Gldouble height, Glint slices, Glint stacks);
lines Draw a cone with a radius of base length, a height, number of divisions around the z axis (slices) and number of divisions along the z axis

glutSolidCube (Gldouble size);
Draw a solid cube with each side length size.

glutWireCube (Gldouble size);
Draw a cube with lines, with each side length size.

glutSolidDodecahedron ();
Draw a solid dodecahedron.

glutWireDodecahedron ();
Draw a dodecahedron with lines.

glutSolidIcosahedron ();
Draw a solid icosahedron.

glutWireIcosahedron ();
Draw an icosahedron with lines.

glutSolidOctahedron ();
Draw a solid octahedron.

glutWireOctahedron ();
Draw an octahedron with lines.

glutSolidSphere (Gldouble radius, Glint slices, Glint stacks);
Draws a solid sphere, the parameters are the radius, number of divisions around z axis (slices) and number of divisions along the z axis

glutWireSphere (Gldouble radius, Glint slices, Glint stacks);
Draw a sphere with lines, the parameters are the radius, number of divisions around the z axis (slices) and number of divisions along the z axis

glutSolidTetrahedron ();
Draw a solid tetrahedron.

glutWireTetrahedron ();
Draw a tetrahedron with lines.

glutSolidTorus (Gldouble innerRadius, Gldouble outerRadius, Glint nside, Glint nRings)
Draw a solid torus, the parameters are the inner radius, outer radius, number of radial divisions for each section nside, and number of radial sections nRings.

glutWireTorus (Gldouble innerRadius, Gldouble outerRadius, Glint nside, Glint nRings)
lines Draw a torus, the parameters are the inner radius, outer radius, number of radial divisions for each section nside, and number of radial sections nRings.

glutSolidTeapot (Gldouble size);
Draw a solid teapot with a radius size.

glutWireTeapot (Gldouble size);
Draw Lines with a teapot with a radius size.

glutSpecialFunc (void (* func) (int key, int x, int y));
Add to the active window press event a special key. The key parameter can be GLUT_KEY_Fn for function keys (n = 1, 2, ..., 12), GLUT_KEY_RIGHT, GLUT_KEY_LEFT, GLUT_KEY_UP, GLUT_KEY_DOWN, GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP, GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN, GLUT_KEY_HOME, GLUT_KEY_END, GLUT_KEY_INSERT, GLUT KEY F1, F2 GLUT KEY, GLUT KEY F3, F4 KEY GLUT, GLUT KEY F5, F6 KEY GLUT, GLUT KEY F7, F8 KEY GLUT, GLUT KEY F9, GLUT KEY F10, F11 KEY GLUT, GLUT KEY F12.

glutSwapBuffers void (void)
Swap buffers in the current window. It is used to double buffer mode. This important feature of OpenGL (and by extension GLUT) causes reduced to a minimum during the redraw flicker, especially if there are animations. The window has two buffers: one visible and one invisible. The drawing is done in the hidden buffer, exchange, draw it all at once, eliminating flicker. This theme is dealt with in detail when we see OpenGL.

glutTimerFunc (unsigned int msecs, (* func) (int value), int value);
msecs: number of milliseconds the timer
func: Function
response to the event value: Value to be used to call Add response function as both a timer function response.
We indicate the time in milliseconds, a timer identification value and serves the same function, whose only parameter must be the timer identifier. Int

glutGet (GLenum state)
state: specific variable we wish to state for the information.
Returns an integer indicating the value of the variable referenced.
This function returns the value of a state variable. The state parameter refers to the variable we want to know its value. This parameter is a value of an enumeration, whose values \u200b\u200bare GLUT_WINDOW_X, GLUT_WINDOW_Y, for the position of the active window, GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH, GLUT_WINDOW_HIGHT, for the size of the active window, GLUT_WINDOW_PARENT, to get the ID of the parent window of the active, etc. GLUT WINDOW
XX pixel location to the origin, location on GLUT WINDOW YY, GLUT WINDOW WIDTH width, GLUT WINDOW HEIGHT high GLUT WINDOW BUFFER SIZE number of bits in the window color can be also GLUT WINDOW RED SIZE to shades of red, GLUT WINDOW GREEN SIZE green hue
number of bits in the stencil buffer.
GLUT WINDOW DEPTH SIZE Number of bits in the current window's depth buffer.
GLUT WINDOW ACCUM RED SIZE number of bits accumulated in the buffer which are red, GLUT WINDOW ACCUM GREEN Green SIZE, GLUT WINDOW ACCUM BLUE SIZE blue and GLUT WINDOW ACCUM ALPHA SIZE WINDOW alfa.GLUT DoubleBuffer if double buffering is enabled, if GLUT WINDOW RGBA RGBA mode, GLUT WINDOW PARENT number of parent window, GLUT WINDOW NUM CHILDREN number child windows, GLUT WINDOW SIZE colormap color index size, GLUT WINDOW NUM SAMPLES number of examples, if you drive GLUT WINDOW STEREO stereo, GLUT WINDOW CURSOR for cursor, GLUT SCREEN WIDTH screen width in pixels, GLUT SCREEN HEIGHT pixels high Online, GLUT SCREEN WIDTH MM screen width in millimeters, GLUT SCREEN HEIGHT MM screen height in millimeters, GLUT MENU NUM ITEMS number of items in the menu, GLUT DISPLAY MODE POSSIBLE screen mode supported, GLUT INIT DISPLAY MODE initial screen with a mask, GLUT INIT WINDOW X initial value of x, GLUT INIT WINDOW AND initial value of the position and GLUT INIT WINDOW WIDTH initial width of the screen, GLUT INIT WINDOW HEIGHT initial height of the screen, GLUT ELAPSED TIME number in milliseconds since the call glutIni glutGet. Int

glutDeviceGet (GLenum info)
info: device on which information
Returns information about the device indicated
Get information about system devices. The parameter indicates the device info: GLUT_HAS_KEYBOARD, GLUT_HAS_MOUSE, GLUT_NUM_MOUSE_BUTTONS, etc. In the first two cases, the function returns 0 if no such device and another value if it exists. In the third case, returns the number of mouse buttons. There enumeration values \u200b\u200bfor other devices.

glutGetModifiers int (void)
Returns a value indicating the switch has been pressed.
Returns the modifier key has been pressed: GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT, GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL or GLUT_ACTIVE_ALT. The GLUT library can perform many other actions, relating to the use of color, the display of text, layers and control the design of some geometric primitives.

glutIdleFunc void (void (* function) (void))
function: the event response function records the function
idle response to the event. This event occurs every time the system has no other event to attend. OpenGL is commonly used to make animations. The function that responds to the event should be as small as possible to avoid loss in the ability of interaction of the application.

glutMenuStatusFunc void (void (* function) (int state, int x, int y))
function: role of response to the event
Add the function that responds to the event that occurs when you expand or collapse a menu . The state parameter can be worth GLUT_MENU_IN_USE when a menu is displayed, or GLUT_MENU_NOT_IN_USE when folded. The values \u200b\u200b(x, y) are the position mouse pointer in each case.

glutMotionFunc void (void (* function) (int x, int y))
The function func (x, y) is called when the mouse is moved while pressed one of its buttons. Add to the window
activate a response to mouse movements when a button is pressed it. The parameters (x, y) indicate the position of the pointer coordinates relative to the window.

glutPassiveMotionFunc void (void (* function) (int x, int y))
Add to the active window function response to mouse movements when you are not holding any buttons thereof. The parameters (x, y) indicate the position of the pointer coordinates relative to the window.

glutVisibilityFunc void (void (* function) (int state)): Add
for the active window response function to the event of changes in the visibility of the window. The state parameter can be GLUT_NOT_VISIBLE or GLUT_VISIBLE.

glutEntryFunc void (void (* function) (int state)): Add
for the active window function response to the event and out of the mouse in the area of \u200b\u200bthe window. The state parameter can be GLUT_LEFT or GLUT_ENTERED.

glutCreateSubWindow int (int idVentanaPadre, int x, int y, int width, int height)
idVentanaPadre: ID of the parent window of the subwindow
x, y: position (x, y) in pixels subwindow on the parent window width, height: width and height in pixels subwindow. Returns a unique identifier for the subwindow
This routine creates a subwindow, the daughter of the window identified by idVentanaPadre. The active window of the application becomes the new subwindow. As in the case of the main windows, the view objects are associated with a display context, and display mode is given by the initial specifications (but not its size and position, which in this case are given explicitly).

glutSetWindow void (int idVentana)
idVentana: ID window Fixed window
idVentana identified as the active window.

glutGetWindow int (void)
Returns the ID of the active window

glutDestroyWindow void (int idVentana)
idVentana: identifier of the window. Destroy the window identified by idVentana.

glutPositionWindow void (int x, int y)
x, y: position (x, y) in pixels of the window
Calls for change in the current window position on screen. If the current window is principal, (x, y) is taken with reference to the origin screen. If a view object, the distance is taken with reference to the origin of the parent window.

glutReshapeWindow void (int width, int height)
width: window width in pixels
height: height of the window pixels Calls
change the current window size, giving the width and height specified.
Other functions relating to the windows shown below along with a brief description.

glutFullScreen void (void):
Requests that the current window is maximized. Only works for main windows.

glutPopWindow void (void):
one advances the current window position in the stack of windows.

glutPushWindow void (void):
delay the current window position in the window stack.

glutShowWindow void (void):
Displays the current window.

glutHideWindow void (void):
Hide the current window.

glutIconifyWindow void (void): Calls
minimizing the current window and its conversion into an icon.

glutSetWindowTitle void (char * name):
Rename the current window.

glutSetIconTitle void (char * name):
gives its name to the current window when minimized.

glutSetCursor void (int cursor):
Change mouse pointer when hovering the current window. The parameter is an enumeration value.

glutCreateMenu int (void (* function) (int value))
This function creates a menu (still no options), and assigns the function func (value). This function will be called whenever a menu option is selected by the user, and you will receive the code value identifying the selected option. Thus, we can define what each menu item. Returns a handle to menu
we will when we have to refer to it.
function: callback function to call when you select a menu item.
The value that is passed to the function identifies the menu item.
Returns a unique identifier for the menu.
This function creates a floating menu associated with the current window and returns a unique identifier for it. This menu becomes the active menu.

glutSetMenu void (int idMenu)
This function causes the menu idmenu be identified as the current menu.
By default, the current menu is the last to be created.
idMenu: identifier of the menu.
This puts the menu idMenu identified as active menu.

glutGetMenu int (void) Returns an identifier
menu. Returns the ID the active menu.

glutDestroyMenu void (int idMenu)
idMenu: menu handle. Destroy the menu identified by idMenu.

glutAddMenuEntry void (char * name, int value)
Add a menu option to the current menu. This option is called
name and be identified by the number value.
name: character string that appears in the menu item value: identifier for the menu item. This value is passed to the response function to the menu.
Adds a menu entry at the end of the asset, and the string that is displayed is the name. When the user selects this option, is called the response function with the value as a parameter.

glutAddSubMenu void (char * name, int idMenu)
Adds a menu item that opens a submenu.
name: character string that appears in the main menu option.
idMenu: ID of the submenu to the item.
Creates a menu item is associated with a submenu that is displayed when selected the main menu entry. The submenu must have been created previously as any other menu.

glutChangeToSubMenu void (int entry, char * name, int value):
other changes a submenu.

glutRemoveMenuItem void (int input):
Deletes a menu entry.

glutDetachMenu void (int button):
Removes the association between active menu and mouse.

glutAttachMenu void (int button)
button: mouse button to associate the menu. Associates the current menu
a mouse button in the active window, so that the menu is displayed when you press the mouse button. The button can be worth GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON, GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON or to associate with the left button, center or right respectively.

void glutChangeToMenuEntry (int entry, char * name, int value):
Change the input (the input parameter is the index of the same, starting at 1) by a different one. This function is to modify an existing menu item. The entry parameter indicates the option to change (for example, to modify the first entry = 1), name will be the new name of the option and the new ID value that will be passed to the handler function menu.

glutEstablishOverlay void (void);
Sets the layer. Void

glutUseLayer (GLenum layer);
Use layer.

glutRemoveOverlay void (void);
Removes the current layer.

glutPostOverlayRedisplay void (void);
Mostra the next layer.

glutShowOverlay void (void);
Show layer.

glutHideOverlay void (void);
shows the texture of the layer.

glutOverlayDisplayFunc void (void (* func) (void));
devulve Create a function that the layer to display.

v oid glutSpaceballMotionFunc (void (* func) (int x, int y, int z)); Puts
Spaceball movement in the current window.

glutSpaceballRotateFunc void (void (* Func) (int x, int y, int z));
Sets the Spaceball rotation depending on the current window.

glutSpaceballButtonFunc void (void (* func) (int button, int state)); Spaceball
Sets the current window.

glutButtonBoxFunc void (void (* func) (int button, int state));
Sets the dial & button box box via a callback in the current window.

glutDialsFunc void (void (* func) (int dial, int value));
Sets the dial & button box box via a callback in the current window.

glutTabletMotionFunc void (void (* func) (int x, int y));
Place special keyboard through a callback in the current window.

glutSetColor void (int cell, network GLfloat, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue);
Sets the color map between the application layer and the current window. GLfloat

glutGetColor (int cell, int component) Returns
green, red or blue in color because the color index map between the application layer and the current layer.

glutCopyColormap void (int win);
color copy of the map to the layer using a specified window. Int

glutLayerGet (GLenum info);
GLUT Returns the status of belonging to the layers of the current window. The information is about:

glutDeviceGet (GLenum info);
Retrieves information about the use of GLUT represented by integers.
GLUT HAS TABLET, returning non-zero if it is viable, zero if it is not viable. GLUT NUM MOUSE BUTTONS
Number of buttons supported by mouse. If there maouse returns 0. GLUT NUM
SPACEBALL BUTTONS number of buttons that supports the Spaceball.
GLUT NUM BUTTON BOX BUTTONS Number of buttons that supports dial & ButtonBox. GLUT NUM
number of selectors for the dial & button box
GLUT NUM TABLET BUTTONS Number of buttons supported by the tablet.

glutGetModifiers int (void);
Return the modification of key state when certain callbacks were generated. GLUT ACTIVE
SHIFT modifier if the shift or caps were activated. GLUT ACTIVE CTRL
if Ctrl was pressed. GLUT ACTIVE ALT
if amended H.

glutExtensionSupported int (char * extension);
Help facilitated if some certain extensions are supported by OpenGL.

glutBitmapCharacter void (void * font, int character);
Returns the width in pixels of a character type dependent bitmap font which can be:
GLUT BITMAP 8 BY 13 Fixed a font where each side b is a rectangle of size 8 by 13 pixels. GLUT BITMAP
9 BY 15 Fixed a font where each side b is a rectangle of size 9 by 15 pixels.
GLUT BITMAP TIMES ROMAN 10 Relative to Times Roman size 10.
GLUT BITMAP TIMES ROMAN 24 Relative to Times Roman size 24.
GLUT BITMAP HELVETICA 10 Helveltica Proportional to size 10. GLUT BITMAP HELVETICA
December 1910 Helveltica Proportional to size 12. GLUT BITMAP HELVETICA
October 18 Helveltica Proportional to Size 18. Int

glutBitmapWidth (GLUTbitmapFont font, int character);
Returns the width in pixels of a bitmap type character depending on the source.

glutStrokeCharacter void (void * font, int character);
stroke represents a character type with a font that can be defined:
GLUT STROKE ROMAN A gives a Roman type font size is 119.05 units maximum and minimum 33.33 units.

glutStrokeWidth (GLUTstrokeFont font, int character);
Returns the width in pixels of a character stroke depending on the font type.


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