Sunday, January 30, 2011

Parts Of A Battleship


Fuego y Raya No 1
journal issues hispanpamericana of history and politics
Madrid , 2010
198 pages
Copyist Editions
PVP: 15 euros

journey begins today Fuego y Raya. Hispanic biannual magazine of history and politics. The title evokes what the subtitle describes. And indeed, the epic in which progress would groove is fully summarized in the fire that devoured the ships of Cortes and the line drawn on the floor with the tip of the sword of Pizarro. It is immaterial that in the first case, if we do it to Bernal Díaz del Castillo, was not properly burn the ships as much as vararlas. What is important here is the resolution and moral courage. That, as in chosen trope, are still present in the cultural commitment of the Council of Hispanic Studies "Philip II", dedicated to the cultivation of pious Hispanic tradition, which in this particular company is so unique in history and politics of Latin America.

coming into the world in the days of the bicentennial of the independence or secession of English America, do not miss their vocation determined to provide the keys to what we call the 'other' bicentennial. Although strictly speaking not limited to this, since the Council is organized into three sections, focusing respectively on studies of natural law, political and historical- and has, therefore, vast horizons. Both in regard to the historical reconstruction of the political problematization. With respect to the first, still walking free version of liberal historiography, repeated without shame from the biased version of the instigators of the revolution. It is thus far, not only to remove other sources so far completely shore, but even rush never questioned critically. As for the second, the collection of classical thought that the English tradition renewed constantly, agrees to take seriously the main problems that puts political experience today and forever and that the ideology alone Modern has been omitted.

The lineage of traditional thinking, in different generations, some of whose feathers familiarly live here, wants to remain on the horizon of a world that, if we manage to dodge the shadow
grim nihilism, has some gaps for the recovery of order. It is said that the applause is always someone. Fire & Raya, however, seeks to build while fighting, move forward without leaving anything on the road. You can expect from her fighting spirit and daring, no doubt, but always in the cultivation of the genuine. It reads in the Book of Wisdom: "Optional: datus est mihi sensus et, et invocabi, et venit in me spiritus sapientiae" (VII, 7). Behind this cultural commitment is unequivocal choice, but not irrational, but which seeks to reason and reason. There is also a pious purpose leads us to invoke the creator Spirit, before the fight.


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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Forgot Luggage Lock 3 Digit



Faced with the most collective books which, although relevant authors, become a catch with him repeating studies Also, this book has been proposed, and succeeded, to address the figure of José Antonio in all matters connected with his main work: English Falange de las JONS.

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More information: Tel: 91 533 27 83. Mobile: 687 156 184
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cornflour Side Effects

These days surfing on the net, that is leaving me by the endless connections that lead me to long sections of tubular waves, magical and intense deep blue end of the hit face of a radiant and bright flash, finding a wonderful magazine: . From there I extracted a revealing story to the beach, which in my opinion you can give each interpretation you need ... for what we always see our reality through our filters, our perceptions and beliefs ... "Everything is under the eye of the beholder."
this cautionary tale I hope you enjoy it and we can Surf Life .... Eric Mesa

A story for the beach

Make surf life

One day, passing through a country not so long ago, was on a road that ran along a beach near infinite . In fact, the whole country seemed to be made of a road and a beach. All the inhabitants of the country spent the day at the beach.

As I approached, I noticed something curious. Nobody was in the sand. All were in the water, which reached to the waist. But not swim, were standing, rights and stiff as sticks.

found this very strange behavior. I went and asked one of these people why he was there.
Hope next wave she said.
Ah! Why, I asked myself.
to resist what is best!
But why?
Because that is how it has to do!

The next wave came. The man who had answered his muscles tensed to face. The wave splashed and almost threw him, but stood firm. He stood at the expense of great effort. See? I resisted! I said, exhausted but happy victory.

immediately, resumed his position and prepared to face the next wave. This was bigger than the last. The man lost his balance and swallowed a lot of salt water. Almost drowned, but luckily got back to his feet just in time for the next wave. So spent the day.

Wave after wave after the man was becoming more tense, harder, tighter. After a time, even sensed my presence and listened to my questions. He devoted all his energy on preparing to face the next wave.

And this man was not alone with this strange behavior: there were hundreds, thousands, millions who had set a target to resist the waves at all costs.

The waves did not seem to worry about the attitude of men. They went tirelessly happening. Small, medium or large depending on the weather and wind but no worry at all the strange behavior of people who had decided to address them.

a while I was intrigued by this practice. What is the interest in getting hard against the waves? Expose " that one is stronger than them? "To state that one is solid? "Demonstrate your will? "Demonstrate your ability to cope? He did not understand the meaning of this habit. I only saw people who spent their time running. To me, the stranger it was obvious that could only be exhausted to death. The waves have always existed and will exist long after the demise of their opponents. So what was the point of sticking to them?

addition, when men had the impression of dominating the wave, it was always a small wave. Then, the following could be much larger. In any case, his game did not seem in any way fun. No one smiled at this beach: everyone gritted his teeth and waited for the next shock that would soon occur.

shook my head and I felt a little sorry for these people who wasted his life in a pointless struggle and lost up front. If all is well in this country, maybe I'd better go a little further ... Nobody has the time or energy to talk about something else than the struggle that has become normal for them.

was going to return my route when I saw farther into the sea, gentevisiblemente different. Did not face the waves. Iban to meet him. They had a small table, swam in the direction of the wave, rose slightly on the table and carried away by the wave. Unlike the others, there was not any stiffness in them but a lot of flexibility. No attitude of struggle but a form of symbiosis. No fixed their attention on the wave, but that came off an open presence at all times. And the most important difference was that seemed to take an intense pleasure where others were just exhausted.

They realized that the observed and drifted up to me. You seem interested in what we do with the waves. I explained that I surfed life. For that only require a table not too big, not being afraid of the waves, learn a little technique, be open to change, be flexible and able to adapt to the intensity of each moment making decisions involving his own responsibility.

is very different from the attitude of the people close to the beach, I said.
Totally! They are stuck against wave and accompany us, they are whipped by the waves and let us raise ... And look closely: Are exactly the same wave!

I was surprised that so few people enjoy the waves, that so many people preferred to be stiff rather go with the flow, become rather iron statues of living beings.

What has a name, this practice? I asked, very interested.

With the waves of truth, that is called Surf ... In real life, it's called Intelligence.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Blood In Throat In Morning


Format 15 x 21 cm
covers in four colors, laminated .
204 pages
Price: EUR 18.00 (+ 3.00 shipping)

Journal of the number 2 of the Historical Journal of Fascism. As we have defined from the number 1, this publication has been set as a motto: "Neither apologists blind or systematic detractors. This was a time dle twentieth century. "2 In this issue we covered the following topics:

The sects ariosóficas
The Ordo Novi Templi and
When intellectuals disagreed ... Non-conformist
year 30 (I of II)

The two Triple A
The occult side of Peronism (II of III)

The weekly breakdown: La Patria Libre
Body of
The radical right and Europe
Response Systems Journal (II of III)

Dossier Renewal
English and English Action:
The "right Fascist "(Part I) or fascistizados Fascists?
The influence of Charles Maurras in Spain Fights brewery

A "life experience" of National

The Nation Européenne Jean's latest project Thiriart

Uturunco \u200b\u200bfirst
Peronist guerrilla armed struggle and terrorism in Latin America

This No. 2 consists of 204 pages, format 15 x 21 cm with cover in four-color, laminated.
Orders: - Indicate name and address and the RHF to be acquired.
Retail Price Euros 18.00 (+ 3.00 shipping).
Payment: After ordering, is sent to account number to deposit. The magazine is received in a maximum of seven days in the country.
Discounts: check for orders greater than 9 copies.
Subscriptions: For administrative reasons at number 3 is not accepted subscriptions.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Restricted Versus Unavailable Phone Call

spectacular panorama taken from the gardens of the Temple of Debod time ago, unfortunately this image no longer can be seen only in photographs, after the "mantazo" committed in La Almudena and the Royal Palace.


MANTAZO: Lance gave without the crutch according to rules of art.
(Cossio Encyclopedia, Volume I. Vocabulary Authorized Taurino).

Bullfighting mark crutch as orthodoxy, should be executed following a set of guidelines when making and linking passages. We've talked on occasion of the resources used by some skilled opportunist who distort the purity of the set, such as the use of peak or off-horn bull fighting. Today we're going to talk about another of these resources, which in many cases is not so, as it responds to the apparent ineptitude of the bullfighter, and called mantazo. The mantazo is given a pass in any manner, without respect to any of the most basic rules of bullfighting, with the sole purpose of the bull pass through the cloth or the cloth passing through the bull, that is a real poke mantazo, in the literal sense of the word, morlaco.

As we have said many times before the mantazo due to the inability of the bullfighter to give a pass as God commands, or send the fees. Normally, these bullfighters do not exceed its stage as a bullfighter and do not reach a doctor. Mantazo However, paradoxically, is practiced regularly by the top names already established, when they reach a high position in the hierarchy. Successful implementation of go implies a high burden of risk and requires a great mastery of technique, use of resources is to avoid this danger profiteers. Typically the bullfighter who starts is the biggest risk is assumed, but in contrast the right-hander that has become renowned tries to avoid any danger, especially knowing that it will charge the same to do well or badly, and the security of having already signed a number of contracts, whether the play that afternoon or not.

protest called last December 29, 2010 by the Citizenship and Heritage Association Madrid. In protest against the building of the monstrosity of the Royal Collections Museum that has destroyed all that were aesthetically Palace and the Cathedral.

Normally this behavior tend to apply the figures in public places with modest and undemanding and bullfighting limited knowledge, and also with so-called livestock "Commercial", and bulls with few conditions for the deals as a real bull are very few, if any, the bullfighters who would make the cinnamon with him. Usually in these places, the public what they want is to be cut off ears, and the more passes / mantazos better. If we join a pair of reckless lunges and a couple of triumphant gesture toward the stands, success is assured, since authority is usually added to the party taking scarves galore, as if it were a lottery giving generously all kinds of trophies and awards, including the Shoshone.

But for many years, this has gone to the places first order, which has curdled the figure of pegapases. The bullfighter pegapases is a cartel, often regular comments in the heart of the gatherings, which usually draw a good number of spectators to the streets, spectators who are known as the "Isidros." This audience tends to be unconditional, and crammed the streets, especially if it is a fair as that of San Isidro, wildly applauding any mantazo given by his idol and calling left and right ears. This infectious enthusiasm often takes its toll on the authority, which gives your ears regardless of the merits of the task, resulting anger most zealous supporters of orthodoxy, which are designated by "Isidro" accusing them of fundamentalists and spoilers.

A classic among the "mantazos" urban and architectural accomplished in Madrid: Torre de Valencia. Thanks to the great task culminated by authorities and architects, now we have this unique panorama.

Unfortunately for the suffering citizens, this phenomenon goes beyond the scope of bullfighting and we can see both municipal authorities, regional or government, just rewarding mantazos authentic architectural and urban, to the astonishment and anger of the citizens that if they appreciate the true art and want to conserve the heritage. However, the authorities feel proud to reward these teachers devoted mantazos of architecture and urbanism, like many others who say understood and clapping like crazy these tasks, pointing to the real fans as outdated and lacking any artistic glimpse sign because they are unable to shed a tear when looking at a Pollock painting.

Bofarull When the Lords decided to build its tower-palace in the Alto de Extremadura likely to carry much weight in the choice of this location the breathtaking view from this point is the city of Madrid ( click here if you want to know more about the history of the palace disappeared during the Civil War ). So dear readers, if you had a panoramic view of Madrid that stood out above the others, this was the one who had to come to Madrid in the evenings along the Carretera de Extremadura. Down the Avenida de Portugal one could see the silhouette of the city, the Royal Palace and the Almudena Cathedral in the foreground, suspended on the green (or brown and beige in the fall) of the Campo del Moro. All illuminated by the setting sun that bathed in a golden color the white stone of these buildings, giving an almost magical dye to the whole.

In the photo above the Cuesta de la Vega in the early twentieth century before the works of La Almudena. In the lower we can see the progress of the works of the new museum, which now hides the cathedral and inevitably destroys the superb panorama.

Unfortunately this vision and just stay in our memories long as we have observed the foot of La Almudena has grown a sort of grid as massive air conditioning machine, which has ended up closing the building and destroying that wonderful sight forever. The saddest part is that this mantazo sovereign has been perpetrated with the approval and sponsorship of our authorities and the indifference of most locals who quite possibly are not even aware of this monumental fudge, instead of producing embarrassment to their perpetrators, surely fill you with pride and satisfaction with the compliments and congratulations of those cliques of sycophants, so common in this underworld inbreeding and abstract modern art, ready to become entranced by the sight of a scribble always be signed by a leading figure, detail the latter it sublime work of art. Everyone is free to hang on the wall of his home what he pleases, and pay for it which will allow your pocket and want, but as he said that minister "experiments with gas, and if you want to make modern architecture that will be modern neighborhoods, but I did not touch the heritage that unnerved me. Especially if it is funded with public money.

But to make matters worse, this has not been given mantazo alone, since not many years we have been experiencing a wave of mantazos sovereign in our city that should make authorities rethink, "artists" and citizens on what is going on especially considering that much of what is irreversibly committed and forever.

Protest convened in March 2009 to discuss to avoid the final demolition of the River Gate, which would end up eating a few dates later. First airing of the M30 underground, that lack of foresight was placed in front of the historic monument. Precipitating his overthrow to try to disguise in some way like fudge. (I recommend you enlarge the image).

A few days ago we attended with amazement to the demolition of the River Gate, replaced by a stone monstrosity that is pompously called as exedra. Surely this loss resulting from a botched caused by another sovereign fudge to put a vent stack of the ground next to the M30 Puerta, and signing his death sentence.

also contemplate, not with anger, also, if not amazement, the mantazo held in the Plaza de las Cortes, signed by a Portuguese architect who believe, or more accurately fear, is in charge of reforming the Walk Prado (Our Lady of Fatima to assist us.) In a secluded garden, we have moved to another rocky like the Puerta del Río (perhaps we are witnessing another frame Gurtel, but this time the granite stone rather than brick) with cyclopean steps that later proved to be banks, which transpired after the falling down the empty two poor old ladies.

Another recent "mantazos" committed in recent times: the reform of the Plaza de las Cortes. In the photo above you can see the Plaza at the time of the Republic, in the center of the project's architect who designed the reform, involving a kind of pen for sheep that would prevent pedestrians will continue to gorge. And finally, the solution adopted by the council, consisting of traditional and handy box that delimits the spaces.

But there is no end all, if we cross the Paseo del Prado, we arrive at the Jeronimos gem heritage Madrid, who a few years ago and he leaned a horrible eyesore indenominable cubic genuinely undermines not only the aesthetics, but also to ethics. Anyone in their right mind, however, lighted artist considered, would not think of Las Meninas painted over or that modern ground as the picture was deteriorating, with a dab of the oil would titanlux fourths and Table reach another aesthetic dimension. Well in this case as if the building is bad, is restored and if possible to restore, is replaced by something similar or what can be preserved. Can anyone imagine the Coliseum with concrete bleachers as the Bernabeu?, Certainly not. But here comes a certain Moneo, I put this brick monstrosity attached to a monument of early sixteenth century and the authorities and the coterie of sycophants break into clamorous applause, to the shame and indignation of fans of seven of Madrid Lying who attend without giving credit to the sorry spectacle.

Another classic "mantazo" which occupies a prominent place in the top ten Madrid, Moneo Cube. Check in the photo above as was the landmark in the 30 and the lower the modern terraced house which has placed This famous and acclaimed architect. They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

For just kind readers are, waiting to see what the next Mantanzas that consume tandem called authorities and artists. If the mantazo bullfighting is a resource in the fight, or bad deals, but sometimes the authority and many fans interpret it as art, I dare to think in this specific case that has happened to these monuments Madrid, that is because mantazo authorities and blankets are real artists, that is very bad, very, very, bad. Dismal.

Ladies and gentlemen of the authority, consecrated masters of architecture and urbanism that sign these projects, let me tell you they are authentic and sovereign few blankets. I say this with all the feeling of heart. Florentino


Friday, January 7, 2011

Ntldr Is Missingmac Osx


On Monday January 17 at 20:30 the Madariaga Foundation, publisher of Blue Wisps present novel Javier Compass, The Germans beach.

Speakers at the event, the writer Antonio Rivero Taranto and publishers Hope and Rosa Garcia-Perea, and the author himself.

At the end of the event will serve a complimentary glass of English wine from Bodegas Beronia (DOC Rioja)