journal issues hispanpamericana of history and politics
Madrid , 2010
198 pages
Copyist Editions
PVP: 15 euros
journey begins today Fuego y Raya. Hispanic biannual magazine of history and politics. The title evokes what the subtitle describes. And indeed, the epic in which progress would groove is fully summarized in the fire that devoured the ships of Cortes and the line drawn on the floor with the tip of the sword of Pizarro. It is immaterial that in the first case, if we do it to Bernal Díaz del Castillo, was not properly burn the ships as much as vararlas. What is important here is the resolution and moral courage. That, as in chosen trope, are still present in the cultural commitment of the Council of Hispanic Studies "Philip II", dedicated to the cultivation of pious Hispanic tradition, which in this particular company is so unique in history and politics of Latin America.
coming into the world in the days of the bicentennial of the independence or secession of English America, do not miss their vocation determined to provide the keys to what we call the 'other' bicentennial. Although strictly speaking not limited to this, since the Council is organized into three sections, focusing respectively on studies of natural law, political and historical- and has, therefore, vast horizons. Both in regard to the historical reconstruction of the political problematization. With respect to the first, still walking free version of liberal historiography, repeated without shame from the biased version of the instigators of the revolution. It is thus far, not only to remove other sources so far completely shore, but even rush never questioned critically. As for the second, the collection of classical thought that the English tradition renewed constantly, agrees to take seriously the main problems that puts political experience today and forever and that the ideology alone Modern has been omitted.
The lineage of traditional thinking, in different generations, some of whose feathers familiarly live here, wants to remain on the horizon of a world that, if we manage to dodge the shadow
grim nihilism, has some gaps for the recovery of order. It is said that the applause is always someone. Fire & Raya, however, seeks to build while fighting, move forward without leaving anything on the road. You can expect from her fighting spirit and daring, no doubt, but always in the cultivation of the genuine. It reads in the Book of Wisdom: "Optional: datus est mihi sensus et, et invocabi, et venit in me spiritus sapientiae" (VII, 7). Behind this cultural commitment is unequivocal choice, but not irrational, but which seeks to reason and reason. There is also a pious purpose leads us to invoke the creator Spirit, before the fight.
coming into the world in the days of the bicentennial of the independence or secession of English America, do not miss their vocation determined to provide the keys to what we call the 'other' bicentennial. Although strictly speaking not limited to this, since the Council is organized into three sections, focusing respectively on studies of natural law, political and historical- and has, therefore, vast horizons. Both in regard to the historical reconstruction of the political problematization. With respect to the first, still walking free version of liberal historiography, repeated without shame from the biased version of the instigators of the revolution. It is thus far, not only to remove other sources so far completely shore, but even rush never questioned critically. As for the second, the collection of classical thought that the English tradition renewed constantly, agrees to take seriously the main problems that puts political experience today and forever and that the ideology alone Modern has been omitted.
The lineage of traditional thinking, in different generations, some of whose feathers familiarly live here, wants to remain on the horizon of a world that, if we manage to dodge the shadow
grim nihilism, has some gaps for the recovery of order. It is said that the applause is always someone. Fire & Raya, however, seeks to build while fighting, move forward without leaving anything on the road. You can expect from her fighting spirit and daring, no doubt, but always in the cultivation of the genuine. It reads in the Book of Wisdom: "Optional: datus est mihi sensus et, et invocabi, et venit in me spiritus sapientiae" (VII, 7). Behind this cultural commitment is unequivocal choice, but not irrational, but which seeks to reason and reason. There is also a pious purpose leads us to invoke the creator Spirit, before the fight.
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