Friday, February 11, 2011

Memory Error During Migrating Data To Tally 9.0



SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND ladies and gentlemen. Seven in 1200 seconds, or what is the same one hundred twenty minutes or two hours if you want. If friends if TWO TWO HOURS! . That's how long it took to task the teacher Juan Manuel Risk "Four Winds" in the arena of South Foundation on Thursday 10 February.

If anything has characterized the chronicles of SUN AND FLIES since it appeared on newsstands, it was his kindness and generosity in criticism of the tasks of the crowd of right-of gefremaquia who have gone through our pages . But last Thursday deserves a little sweet slap on the wrist.

A good task is not determined by the number of passes to be given, to give many passes do not make a good fight, on the contrary. And the tie?, What do you say of the ligation?, For three quarters of the same, you can not make a pass here and then another there, now in sunshine, now in shadow, a stint in the media, four passes loose in the suburbs, I'm going to greet the lines .... and so in 1200 for seven seconds. To materialize a glorious task and win on merit the front door, with linking a few rounds of linkage perfect passes, on the grounds that by its characteristics and the precise mating Burel, is sufficient, and the stands know thanks. A natural runs to the left, the ticket, other round, with the right, a snub that enardezca to the stands, and a good thrust, are more than enough elements to achieve a resounding victory and glory.

Last Thursday we say that the teacher "Four Winds" overdid it. You can not spend two hours walking aimlessly passes and abusing the passes for museinas that pinpoints often irrelevantly. We must focus on fighting the issue to be treated without making detours by Lydian outside and often with no apparent relation and clear with what you're trying, causing the failure to achieve the task forward to the stands, and worst of apathy and neglect, if not manifest anger in the fans apart from an obvious discomfort and that the stands in the stands, usually of stone material as last Thursday or of Lourdes, not hold during that time or the rear of John Wayne that I had admired callus saddle. The majority of the public who filled the plaza, mostly the usual chores of this teacher, sat stoically stand in their places until the end of the fight, although there were occasional run-run of disapproval and some cliques of fans and eventually engaged to keep lit gatherings in the stands, oblivious as to what went on in the ring.

To highlight the performance of the laborer worthy of trust of the gang of "Four Winds", the evergreen Pepe "Go", who attended at all times the teacher, although at the end of the task, did not know how to put the morlaco, if looking at the stands, or the media, so the teacher would subsequent pass, which caused the right had to say repeatedly "Pepe flip that upside down", surely the poor Pepe was saturated with both mantazo and just a little disoriented. Here is to give another little slap on our beloved Juan Manuel Riesgo, although the classic bullfighting has its charm and romance is no less true that in these times, the public wants new media must give way to new technologies, which also give prominence to the task. Furthermore, this emphasis is going to end up giving an economic upset the teacher, if in his last appearance in the monumental arena of the House of Guadalajara said in a press conference after the slaughter he had to pay a chunk of parné to finance transparencies, do not doubt that, given the amount of which he used for this task has had to mortgage the garage. I dread to think what would our beloved Pepe himself handling a mouse connected to a laptop, in turn connected to a projector, instead of having to go around giving mantazos with transparency.

Master "Four Winds", which houses some undeniable technical and artistic qualities, is clamoring for the hiring of an attorney you trust to advise, channeled his youthful impulse and temper his boundless creative imprint. A security agent and with sufficient knowledge that can auparle to the top of the ladder that rightfully deserves, a person like this humble pen undersigned Moncloveño already turned in the first bar of the ladder, or encouraged the very Layer to jump into the arena with that masterly article in the special magazine photography Frente de Madrid who served for many realized that a star was born in the person of this peerless reporter. From these pages I want to communicate to the teacher "Four Winds" that the economic issue will not be a problem, surely we can agree. End

recognizing that a task of a skilled of these undeniable qualities, always has to happen sometime supreme, a sovereign set that makes up the fans in their localities, as when compared to Guardiola with Franco. How great is this man, but bigger. Florentino



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